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Simple saving measures can save money

Fine tuning your Building Management System (10-15% savings possible)


​Your Building Management System (BMS) is a critical component in controlling and minimising the energy consumption of your building. However, Lighthouse Energy has found that the BMS has often been left to operate with the parameters that were set during its installation or on a clients request. A BMS needs to be fine tuned on a continuous basis if savings are to be made and these savings are to be sustained.

Lighthouse Energy Engineers can fine tune the BMS parameters providing a saving in energy consumption of at least 10-15%.

Optimise Refrigeration Chiller performance (20-25% savings possible)


As with hot water, temperature controls are also critical if you are to achieve maximum energy consumption for your refrigeration plant. If the temperature is set too low, unnecessary energy is being consumed.


For example, if a comfort temperature of 18º C is required in the building, to be on the safe side staff often set the chillers between 7º and 9º C. Actually 12º to 14º C would suffice most of the year and just this extra 3-4 degrees results in up to 25% excess energy consumption!


Small changes to your existing chiller plant which improves energy efficiency such as loading and unloading switches and condenser cooling water temperature settings.

Beyond simple measures, Lighthouse Energy has found that depending on the type and age of your chiller plant, new energy efficient plant may need to be recommended to obtain significant energy reduction improvement. In addition, the configuration of the chilling circuit can often be altered to adapt new technology and improve performance even further.


For example, Chillers have condensers which cool the refrigerant. This plant is often poorly designed, set up and maintained. As a consequence, the energy consumption of the chiller is higher than is necessary, with savings of 10-15% on offer. Also, Lighthouse Energy has found that often an additional, yet unnecessary, energy consuming cooling water pump is in use in these systems offering further opportunities to reduce energy and so carbon emissions.

Improve the installation and operation of hot water boiler plant (20-30% savings possible)


Heating in commercial buildings accounts for over 60% of total energy consumption and hot water generation makes up a large percentage of this. In many office buildings, boilers and hot water pipe networks are often not designed with energy efficiency in mind. Many are also not well installed and not operated in the most energy efficiency manner. As a result, significant energy is wasted.

We have estimated that up to 30% of the fuel energy consumed by boiler and hot water distribution systems in operation in UK commercial buildings today could be saved.

Lighthouse Energy has a wealth of experience in optimising the operation of boiler plant and related equipment. Our Energy Team can quickly and easily identify opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs, implement those measures.

Optimise the operation of fans & blowers and chilled, hot water and cold water pumps (20-30% savings possible)


Pumps are used to circulate fluids, such as hot water, around your building and normally they have a common circulation line with take off lines to the various floors and offices. Lighthouse Energy has found that often the flow is kept constant, irrespective of demand. This results in increased, unnecessary energy consumption. The same occurs with fans and blowers on air conditioning systems, which once installed are often not properly balanced and dampers are poorly set up. Again this consumes excess energy.

Lighthouse Energy can provide solutions to optimise fluid flow by controlling the speed of pumps and fans and by correctly setting damper openings – all of which can make dramatic reductions in your energy consumption and costs.

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