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Providing you and your team with valuable data which will enhance the way your building performs. Be Smart.....

Intelligent Bureau

At Lighthouse Energy we believe that we can provide a unique offering. We integrate our energy and carbon specialists with our Intelligent bureau to provide a comprehensive approach towards smart buildings and energy monitoring and targeting.

This includes initial metering strategies to identify where meters should be installed, right through to installation and on going monitoring and bureau services, supporting your FM, third-party or in house teams with valuable information where money is wasted.

Lighthouse Energy provide full Bureau services to support the collation monitoring, reporting and identification of carbon reduction opportunities. We can tailor the outputs to your requirements, We will utilise your existing system and enhace if necessary, So thirer is no extra cost for upgrades.


Service provided:


  1. Intelligent metering (Only where required)
  2. Intelligent AMR (Where required)
  3. Intelligent Software (Specification and implementation)
  4. Intelligent Bureau (Monitoring and reporting of data)
  5. Intelligent analysis (Supporting your team with on the day communication)






Acivity and Reporting


  • Monthly and annual monitoring of energy use
  • Exception reporting to identify areas for potential energy saving
  • Benchmarking/League tables
  • Period on period comparison
  • Budgeting, accruals and financial forecasting
  • Consumption/cost profiles
  • Data quality verification
  • Compliance verification (e.g. CRC and Green House Gas reporting)
  • Intelligent daily support and reporting
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